Welcome New Families. We're delighted you have joined our community and our schools!
resources and information to help prepare for your child's first day in Ephrata Schools:
Enrollment/Registration Guide: Begin the enrollment process from the comfort of your home through our online portal.
Transportation: Arrange for transportation, view bus routes and learn safe walking routes to our schools.
School Meals: View breakfast and lunch menus, pricing and how you can see detailed nutritional and allergen information on every item we serve in our lunchrooms.
Student Health: Learn how our staff can help your student manage health conditions while attending school.
Student Support: Connect with services that can help your child be successful in school.
Contact our Special Services Department if your child has previously used an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or may need other academic supports.
District staff are available to help students who are homelessor are otherwise living in unstable housing circumstances.