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Public Affairs and Communications

We love sharing stories about our students, staff and schools.

We work hard to make sure you have the information you need about Ephrata Schools. Check out the Ephrata School District and each of our schools online!


Remind is a classroom communication tool that makes it easy to stay involved with your child's learning. As an Ephrata School District family, you're automatically registered to receive messages from your child's school. Remind is free to use, and you'll be able to receive and send messages on any device—even a simple text message from your phone!

More Information on Remind.


Ephrata Schools and the school district will send student specific information to the email address you have on-file with the district. Please be sure to keep your email address current in Skyward Family Access to ensure we are able to contact you.


Social Media

The Ephrata School District and each of our schools are on Facebook and Instagram. Follow our feeds for the latest information.

Ephrata School District:

Facebook: @EphrataSchoolDistrict
Instagram: @EphrataSchoolDistrict165

Ephrata High School:

Facebook: @EphrataHighSchool
Instagram: @ehstigers
YouTube:   @TigerVision

Ephrata Middle School:

Facebook: @EphrataMS
Instagram: @Ephrata_MS

Parkway Intermediate:

Facebook: @ParkwayIntermediate
Instagram: @ParkwayIntermediate

Columbia Ridge Elementary:

Facebook: @ColumbiaRidgeElementary
Instagram: @ColumbiaRidgeElementary

Grant Elementary:

Facebook: @GrantElementarySchool
Instagram: @GrantElementarySchool

Tiger Cub Preschool:

Facebook: @EphrataTigerCubPreschool
Instagram: @EphrataTigerCubPreschool


Weather Delays and Closures

Inclement weather can delay or cancel school. Be the first to know when school is delayed or canceled.

Rent an Ephrata School District Facility

Learn how to rent an Ephrata School District facility.

Distribute information in ephrata schools

Learn how to distribute flyers and information in Ephrata Schools.

Request Permission to use Ephrata School District logos

Learn how to request use to use the Ephrata School District E, Tiger and / or paw.