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January 27 School Board Highlights

Ken Murray (R) administers the oath of office to Casey Devine (L)

Here are some of the highlights from the January 27, Ephrata School Board meeting. Members of the public are always welcome to attend board meetings. Meeting dates and times, board agendas and other information

School Board Recognized for Board Appreciation Month
Each January, we take time to recognize the tireless commitment our school board members make to education. Their unwavering dedication and hard work make a positive impact on our Ephrata School community. These amazing leaders shape our schools:
Jim Adams
Josh Sainsbury
Mike Fleurkens
Matthew Truscott
Casey Devine
Charles Flynn (EHS Student Representative)
Roberto Araujo (EHS Student Representative)

Oath of Office Administered to New Board Director, Casey Devine
Superintendent Ken Murray administered the oath of office to new board director, Casey Devine. Devine was appointed by board directors to fill the open position created when long time board member, Anita Waller, resigned in November. Read the press release here:

District-Wide Attendance Update
Deb Knox, Assistant Director of Teaching & Learning and State & Federal Programs provided the board with information regarding the district’s efforts to increase student attendance across all Ephrata Schools. 

Following the pandemic, schools across the state saw an increase in chronic absenteeism, meaning that they missed two or more days of school per month, for any reason. According to the Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, chronic absenteeism has a direct impact on student success in school and life. Students not reading at grade level by third grade are four times less likely to graduate. Further, those chronically absent in any two years between grade eight and 12 have more than a 50% chance of not finishing high school. 

Improving attendance rates became a consistent focus for Ephrata Schools during the 2023-2024 school year. The district has a goal to improve the percentage of regularly attending students by 5  percent from June 2024 to June 2025 and is regularly tracking progress towards that goal. The district realized a 5 percent gain from the 2022-2023 to 2023-2024 school years and is on track to see the same gains. 

View Knox’s full presentation and see Ephrata’s attendance numbers by school.

New Musical Equipment for Grant Elementary and Columbia Ridge Elementary
The board approved purchase of new ORFF Musical Instruments for the district’s two elementary schools. ORFF refers to a specific approach to music education developed by Carl Oruff during the 1920s, which combines music, speech, music and drama into music lessons that are very similar to the way a child plays naturally. Both elementary music teachers are Level III ORFF certified, a distinction that reflects their advanced training and expertise in this approach 

Each school will receive four soprano, alto and bass xylophones and rolling carts as well as low bass bars for a variety of notes. A Washington Music Education Association grant will be used to fund $6,000 of the $29,000 estimate for these instruments. The remainder will be paid for with dollars from an Every Student Succeeds Act grant. 

$95,000 Grant Received to Expand Health Sciences Program at EHS
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) recently awarded the Ephrata School District a $95,000 grant to support the EHS Career and Technical Education (CTE) Health Science Program. Courses in this program include Intro to Health Science Careers, Medical Terminology, Human Biology and Sports Medicine. Funds will be used for curriculum and equipment, EHS Health HOSA - Future Health Professionals expenses, field trips, guest speakers, staff salaries and professional development.

City of Ephrata Tourism Grant Received for EHS Tournaments, Events and Graduation
The Ephrata Tourism Commission has recommended $8,950 in funding for the Ephrata School District to support sports tournaments, events and EHS graduation. These events bring approximately 40,000 people to Ephrata to stay overnight, purchase food and gas, and shop at local retail and entertainment venues. The Ephrata City Council is expected to take final action on the approval of this grant at their February 5 meeting.

The board recognized the generosity of Vitalant and the Blood Center Foundation of the Inland Northwest for a $1,200 STEM Grant for Ephrata High School. Grant dollars will be used by the EHS Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) group to plan two future Vitalent blood drives at EHS. By policy, the school board must approve any donation of money, materials or equipment having a value of $500 or more.

Ken Murray (R) administers the oath of office to Casey Devine (L)

Superintendent Ken Murray Admisisters the Oath of Office to New Board Member, Casey Devine