Ephrata Flag Day for Back-to-School
We were proud to fly our Ephrata "E" flags on Basin Street to welcome students, staff and families back-to-school today! This "Flag Day" initiative is new to the school district this year and happened with the support of Tiger Boosters, who provided funds to purchase half of the flags and hardware.
We plan to fly our flags for homecoming, graduation, state send-offs and, of course, anytime the Tigers take on the Quincy Jackrabbits at home!
Today's flags were put up (and will be taken down) by staff at our district office. Soon, that duty will transition to an official Flag Team made up of students.
We appreciated the warm smiles, honks and general TIGER PRIDE we experienced as we launched this new program. Many thanks to Tiger Boosters for helping to get our Flag Day started!
Assistant Superintendent, Aaron Cummings carries an Ephrata Flag down Basin Street. Flags lined Basin Street to welcome students back-to-school