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Grant February Newsletter

First Page of February Newsletter


It is that time of the year when school becomes a little more stressful, scholars are more easily frustrated and everyone feels tired! You may be asking "What can I do to help my child?" We have 6 areas of social emotional learning we focus on in schools:

  • Self-Awareness - Individual can identify their emotions, personal assets, areas for growth and potential external resources and supports.
  • Self-Management - Individual can regulate emotions, thoughts and behaviors.
  • Self=Efficacy - Individual can motivate themselves, persevere and see themselves as capable.
  • Social Awareness - Individual can take the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
  • Social Management - Individual can make safe and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions.
  • Social Engagement - Individual can consider others and show a desire to contribute to the well-being of school and community.

This month, it would be VERY helpful if you helped your child to learn to identify their emotions. This is beyond just feeling "good or bad," but specific emotions such as angry, tired, happy, excited, overwhelmed, etc. It often helps to have them draw their emotion and not only how it made them feel, but how their emotions make others feel. Stick figures are easy and quick...they can even be drawn on a napkin at a restaurant!


Feb. 7: 100th Day of School

Feb 8: Family Night: Talent & Arts Show (silent auction too) 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Feb. 9: Tiger Party Quarter 2

Feb 12: DUE: STEM (Science Fair) forms

Feb 12 - 16: Kindness Week (spirit week)

Feb. 14: Friendship Parties

Feb. 17: National Random Act of Kindness Day

Feb. 19: Presidents Day (NO SCHOOL)

Feb. 26: Assembly: Positive

Feb. 27: Goodies with Grown-ups 7:00-7:45 a.m.

Feb. 27: Family Night: STEM (science fair)


I can be POSITIVE by...

  • Keeping an open mind
  • Offering to help
  • Showing compassion
  • Being happy for others
  • Looking at the bright side
  • Using nice words
  • Thinking good thoughts
  • Being thankful
  • Smiling more
  • Believing anything is possible


Our doors open at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday through Friday and 8:30 a.m. Monday. They are locked right away at the start time (8:05 a.m. Tuesday - Friday and 9:05 a.m. Monday). There will be no supervision at drop-off after that time. Please make sure your child is here on time and ready to learn. Breakfast is served AFTER the bell to ensure we can feed each child so they are learning ready.

(Taken from the Commonwealth Charter Academy)

  1. Encourage them to share their feelings.
  2. Emphasize the days events that went well.
  3. Surround your child with positive people.
  4. Teach your child positive self talk and affirmations.
  5. Treat failures as learning opportunities.
  6. Focus on your child's strengths.
  7. Let your child do what they love.
  8. Be positive yourself.


WHO? Bring your entire family!

WHAT? It's our annual "science fair" and we have a ton of science activities for everyone to participate in! Scholars who attend will receive $50 Scholar Dollars & participants with entries for the science / invention fair will receive $100!

WHERE? Grant School (so cool)

WHEN? February 27, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.


We are in a CRISIS right now! We are in desperate need of families to step up and help our school. We need families to collaborate, brainstorm and fundraise. We need families to come and volunteer their time to help our school be the best it can be. Right now we are considering shutting down our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) due to lack of participation. We need dedicated, hardworking families to step up and be involved in the workings of Grant Elementary. If you feel you can do this, please contact our current officers (Holly Sligar, Marissa Cobb, Barley Ovenell or Principal Dahl) ASAP. The decision to end PTO will be made prior to the end of the school year.


Every year, because we are a Title I School, we have teachers, students and families complete something called a "compact." This is a collaborative agreement between all three parties to help with YOUR child's success.

Please complete the compact online. This should be quick and easy! Do not hesitate to contact the school with questions. Once completed your child will receive $50 Scholar Dollars!

Complete the Compact


Monday, Feb. 12: Sports Day

Tuesday, Feb. 13: Pajama Day

Wednesday, Feb. 14: Twin Day (or wear pink/red)

Thursday, Feb. 15: Crazy Hair or Hat Day

Friday, Feb. 16: TIGER Love Day (TIGER gear)

First Page of February Newsletter


Second Page of February Newsletter


First Page of February Newsletter in Spanish


Second Page of February Newsletter in Spanish