Students and staff are required to stay home when they are not feeling well and stay home until they feel better. Please stay home if you have any of these symptoms.
- Fever of 100.4+ or chills
- Runny nose that is not clear
24-Hour rule
Returning to school too soon may slow recovery and make other sick.
FEVER: Stay home until the fever has been gone without medication for 24-hours.
VOMITING or DIARRHEA: Stay home for 24-hours after the last time you vomited or had diarrhea.
RASH Stay home for 24-hours after the rash disappears or sooner with a note from your medical provider.
If your child has been sent home with any of these symptoms, we expect they will be absent the next day too.
Once you feel better
You may return once you are 24 hours fever, rash, vomit and diarrhea free (without use of medication) and all other symptom(s) are significantly improved.