Safety and Security
Safety is a top priority at Ephrata Schools. Our system includes trained staff, protocols, programs and policies to keep students and staff safe at school.
Creating & Maintaining a safe learning environment
At Ephrata Schools, our goal is to provide our students and staff with a healthy learning environment both during school hours and at after school activities.
Safety is everyone's responsibility
The safety of students and staff relies on building trusted partnerships with students, families and school communities across the district. Our teachers, administrators and staff work to create a caring school community that values respect and trust between students and adults. We work hard to make all students feel connected, understand what's expected of them and provide access and information for the behavioral and mental health support they need.
If you see something, hear something, observe something or if something feels wrong, we want to know. Ephrata Schools are committed to providing a safe environment to learn, work and visit.
We subscribe to a service that allows quick, easy, and anonymous reporting of safety concerns to school officials 24/7/365. Help us create a safer learning environment.
Our safety and security programs
- Campus Security: Visual and physical methods are in place to provide protection for all people on school campuses. The Ephrata School District has a security staff. Their presence allows them to understand the rhythms of the building while developing strong relationships with students. In addition, video cameras capture and record operations at each of our schools.
- Emergency Management Partnership: Our strong partnership with community emergency responders assures that we are constantly assessing our ability to respond to any form of disaster. We also regularly review our school emergency procedures with our staff and the area first responders as legally required.
- School Safety Plans, Procedures and Emergency Drills: Ephrata Schools building safety teams post, review and practice these plans, procedures and drills regularly.
- Threat Assessment: Each building has a threat assessment team that will respond to incidents as needed.
- See Something, Say Something: We're committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents/guardians, volunteers and community members, free from all harassment, intimidation, bullying or cyber-bullying. If you see something, hear something or observe something that feels wrong, we want to know. Learn how to submit an anonymous tip.