Request Permission for Logo Use
School logos are protected by copyright and trademark.
At Ephrata Schools, our brand guidelines help us create a unified identity. Consistency in logos, colors and fonts builds trust, drives engagement and showcases our unique voice. It takes many people to protect, promote and maintain a brand. Everyone using our brand items has a responsibility to uphold these guidelines.
Whether you're a student, a staff member, alumni or fan, our brand represents the heart and soul of our district. It brings us all together as TIGERS and makes us easy to spot in a crowd.
At no time may the use of the Ephrata School District's name(s) (including school names) or logos imply or state endorsement of any products or services. Organizations / businesses that would like to use our logo(s) must obtain written authorization by completing the form below.
Request Form
Please complete this form to request use of Ephrata School District branding materials.
Once submitted, the Ephrata School District will review your request and contact you with additional questions and / or schedule a time to review Ephrata School District Branding Guidelines before approving / denying your request.
Questions? Please contact Sarah Morford, Communications Director | (509) 754-7235
Support Ephrata Youth
The Ephrata School District will not collect royalties from sales of products using our marks. Instead, we encourage organizations, businesses and individuals to give back programs that support Ephrata’s children.
Please refer to the Ephrata School District Brand Guidelines when using Ephrata School District logos. The logos, colors, wordmarks and typography described in these Brand Guidelines are the protected Intellectual Property of the Ephrata School District ("Ephrata IP"). Ephrata IP is protected under U.S. copyright and trademark laws, and the Ephrata School District zealously protects the Ephrata IP, which has generated goodwill for the Ephrata School District for decades.